The program expects to find a single floating-point number in ASCII format; any extraneous characters will be ignored. 程序期望查找ASCII格式的单精度浮点数;任何无关的字符都将忽略。
The difference lies in the fact that floating-point data types used in computers can't hold every real number. 区别在于一个事实:计算机中使用的浮点数据类型无法包含每个实数。
For example, you could define a Price element that is always a floating-point number or a PersonName element that has FirstName and LastName sub-elements that are both strings. 例如,可以定义始终是浮点数的Price元素或具有字符串子元素FirstName和LastName的PersonName元素。
This amount may fluctuate, depending upon inflation, the cost of living and the location of the family. The address of a memory location at which a floating-point number can be accessed. 随着通货膨胀的起伏,生活指数及家庭住址等因素的变化,这个标准可能上下浮动。一个浮点数字可以被存取的记忆体位置的位址。
Floating-Point literals may also be represented using exponential notation: a real number followed by the letter e ( or E), followed by an optional plus or minus sign, followed by an integer exponent. 此外,还可以使用指数记数法表示浮点型直接量,即实数后跟随字母e或E,后面加上正负号,其后再加一个整型指数。
The address of a memory location at which a floating-point number can be accessed. 一个浮点数字可以被存取的记忆体位置的位址。
In a floating-point representation, the numeral that is multiplied by the exponentiated implicit floating-point base to determine the real number represented. 浮点表示法中的一个数字,该数字乘上隐式的浮点底数的幂就决定了所表示的实数。
In binary floating-point concepts, a value with an associated sign which is mathematically greater in magnitude than any binary floating-point number. 在二进制浮点数中,一种带有符号的特定值,其量值大于一台计算机所能表达的任何二进制浮点数。
A Rapid Calculation Method in Extract the Square Root of Floating-Point Number 浮点数开平方快速算法
This paper involves the principle of floating-point and putting together number subroutines in the escape program for mountable mode in high accuracy DK-BASIC interpretive system, which has many selectable significant digits. 本文叙述了嵌入式高精度可选有效数字位数DK-BASIC解释系统(简称DKB)换码程序中的拼浮点数子程序的工作原理。
Selection of Mutation Probability of Floating-point Number Code Genetic Algorithm 浮点数编码遗传算法变异概率的选取
In the letter the result given by G. A Rapid Calculation Method in Extract the Square Root of Floating-Point Number 本文扩充了G.浮点数开平方快速算法
Principle of floating-point and putting together number programs in dk-basic interpretive system DK-BASIC解释系统拼浮点数程序工作原理
D/ A and A/ D Conversion Based on Floating-point Number 浮点数的D/A和A/D转换
Firstly, the using chaotic systems are based on floating-point operations on the real number field, both encryption and decryption will bring the problem of the key non-synchronous because of the computer word length different. 一是加解密算法中所用混沌系统是基于实数域上进行的浮点运算,加解密双方会因计算机字长不同而产生加解密密钥流不同步的问题。
For floating-point, whether a floating-point number equals to zero is usually determined by judging whether its absolute value is less than a given fully small positive. 对于浮点数来说,判断一个浮点数等于零,通常是通过判断其绝对值是否小于一个给定的充分小的正数ε来实现的。